My Teenager Is Sexually Active!!! What To Do???



How To Deal Upon Discovering That Your Child Is Sexually Active

First of all, do not panic when you find out that your teen is having sex. You must not allow any feelings of worry or even anger control your reactions. Your child must feel safe talking to you and come to you for advice and support.

According to Sam Louie, MA, LMHC, “What parents need to remember is that, first, it is normal for children to have sexual behaviors and related questions, as sexual development begins in infancy. As toddlers, they begin to articulate their curiosity with questions and behaviors related to their bodies, gender differences, and sexual functioning.”

Inform Your Child Of The Types Of Contraception Available

Different forms of contraception have distinct advantages and disadvantages. Discussing the different kinds of contraception with your teen will allow them to pick the most appropriate contraception. The various types of contraception include the combine pill, condoms for both men and women, the contraceptive patch, the contraceptive vaginal ring, diaphragms and caps, emergency contraception, natural family planning, the Progestin-only pill (POP), the long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), the IUD, the IUS, the contraceptive implant, and the contraceptive injection

What If Your Child Did Not Use Protection During Sex?

If your teen has had sex without using protection, it is essential that they need to go to a sexual health clinic and have them tested for any STIs. And they should perform this test regularly.

According to Barbara Greenberg, PhD, “Regarding what you should do: I suggest that you take your daughter to her pediatrician and a gynecologist. If she is going to engage in sexual activity, she should be speaking to both of these doctors. They should educate her about sexuality and all that goes along with it.


What You Should Discuss With Your Son

Most boys think that contraception, aside from using a condom, is only for girls to worry about. You should advise him that he needs to make sure he’s protected and that he should also be involved in the girl’s choice of contraception. Unfortunately, the law does not require women to consult their male partners when deciding whether to have an abortion or not, and this can lead to pain and suffering on the part of the boy. Your son can avoid this by taking part in the girl’s decisions regarding contraception. If your son finds it difficult to discuss contraception with the girl, reassure him that the girl will realize that he is only trying to help and that this will bring them closer.

What You Should Discuss With Your Daughter

There are two different types of emergency contraception for preventing pregnancies: the emergency contraceptive pill and the emergency IUD fitting. These types of contraception are not forms of abortion since they prevent pregnancies from happening.

There are two types of emergency contraceptive pills. Levonelle is valid up to 72 hours after sex while EllaOne is valid up to five days after sex. EllaOne can be sold in pharmacies to girls under 16 years of age for about 25 to 35 pounds. When purchasing the emergency contraceptive pill, the pharmacist usually interviews the woman to make sure that she knows how the medicine works and if they require it.

The emergency contraceptive pill can be obtained from most NHS walk-in centers in England and most minor injuries units. It is also available in some hospital accident and emergency departments. Of course, the pill can also be purchased in most pharmacies.

The second type of emergency contraception is the emergency IUD fitting. The IUD can be fitted up to five days after intercourse. But your daughter will have to go to a doctor or a sexual clinic.


What You Should Discuss With Your LGBTQ+ Child

Inform your child that there is a “morning-after pill” that may prevent HIV that gay men can obtain. You should also advise them to practice safe and protected sex with any partner by using a condom or a dam. A dam is a soft latex or polyurethane square that prevents STIs during oral sex.

Melissa Fritchle, LMFT, said that aside from a pediatrician and a gynecologist, therapists can also give assistance to parents. “Facing the realities of a child’s sexuality can be difficult for any parent. As therapists, people turn to us for guidance on how to manage this aspect of parenting and family life.” She added, “Providing diverse sex positive-therapy means focusing on ways to support parents clarify and articulate their own ethics, fears, and hopes regarding their children’s sexuality, while always considering our own counter-transference and mythologies so that we can be more effective.”